Smith Anderson Lawyers Merrill Mason, Benji Jones, Andrew Fisher and Heyward Armstrong Coach UNC Entrepreneurial Business Students
At the invitation of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School, Smith Anderson business lawyers Merrill Mason , Benji Jones, Andrew Fisher and Heyward Armstrongparticipated as coaches to provide program business students with advice on legal issues facing start-up companies.
The program, held on Saturday, August 18, 2007 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, involved meeting with students who have ideas for five start-up companies to provide coaching and advice on real world issues they may face to launch their businesses. Issues include form of entity, liability, contractual matters, Intellectual Property concerns, joint venture agreements and other related matters. Students provided their coaches with a presentation on each business model and the coaches offered tangible, specific counsel on next steps and issues management.
Mr. Mason, Ms. Jones, Mr. Fisher and Mr. Armstrong all practice corporate and securities law with experience in venture capital, securities, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and general corporate matters. Mr. Mason and Mr. Fisher specifically focus their practice on life sciences and emerging and entrepreneurial companies.