Robert Rehm Presents at Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal Symposium
Raleigh, NC (March 8, 2010) – Robert Rehm, a partner in Smith Anderson’s Intellectual Property practice group, participated in a panel discussion among intellectual property law practitioners, academicians, and entrepreneurs at a symposium sponsored by the Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal. The Symposium, entitled "Copyleft vs. Copyright: Artist and Author's Right's in Tomorrow's Digital Age," was held on Friday, March 5, 2010 at Wake Forest University School of Law.
The panel's discussion topic, "What is Left? Software in the Hands of Entrepreneurs, Owners, Developers, and the Public," primarily focused on identifying protection and enforcement mechanisms for intellectual property rights in software-related assets, including whether and to what extent such mechanisms are applicable to intellectual property rights in open source code software ("OSS"). Rehm's presentation, "Navigating the Open-Source Minefield: What's a Business To Do?" contrasted traditional methods for licensing and transferring intellectual property rights in software with such methods employed for OSS and outlined ways in which companies can plan for and adapt to the ever-increasing reliance on OSS in those companies' day-to-day operations.